Post by Bayley Wilmoth.—Radio frequency identification (RFID) systems are frequently used in connection with passive integrated transponders (PIT Tags), and the RFID receivers or antennas traditionally act as stationary pilings that are placed within a watershed so that scientists can track the movements of fish. However, it is possible for...
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Making the Most out of Graduate School
The Cubicle Farm
Hello, my name is Victoria Starnes. I’m a graduate student at Mississippi State University. On my way to becoming a graduate student, I have visited several other universities and I know other graduate students in labs across the U.S. Today I wanted to talk about something that has made Mississippi...
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R workflows with DOCX
Making things work in a reproducible way
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Frightening Freshwater Fishes and Friends
Examples from North America
Post by Victoria Starnes.—Terrestrial animals get all the press on Halloween. In any grocery store, you can find skeletal rats, horses, and anything in-between. Wolves stalk the halls of haunted houses, and black cats stretch out on front lawns. Avian creatures get in on the fun too! Flocks of ravens...
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There’s models and then there’s inference
Post by Caleb Aldridge.—This is a recent paper wirtten for a directed study course on the philosophy and application of estimation. The thoughts are my own and do not neccessarily reflect those of my lab.
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