Having done many reports and reviewed many other technical documents
that have equations in them there is a mix of approaches used to get that
nicely centered display equation in word like below.
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Intro to occupancy
Overview & objectives
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Revival of Outdoor Recreation
Coronavirus 2020
Post by Victoria Starnes.— As coronavirus sweeps across the U.S. and the workforce is stripped down to only essential employees, many people are left at home. With most storefront entertainment options, like movies, gyms, malls, zoos, and theme parks closed, more people are turning to the outdoors after becoming restless...
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Acoustic Water Level Sensors… The next underdog you want on your team? Science for the scouts.
Post by Bayley Wilmoth.—This post was made by adapting a poster and abstract that was recently presented to AFS. The authors should receive credit for the study and analysis that was completed. Those authors are as follows: Bayley M. Wilmoth, Michael E. Colvin, Nigel Temple, Eric Sparks, and Corey Dunn....
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Same profession different jobs — fisheries goals across the US
Post by Caleb Aldridge.—This is an abstract of a recent presentation given at the Southern Division AFS meeting. Co-authored with Leandro E. Miranda and Michael E. Colvin.
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