1. Fisheries management
- Pauly, D. 2001. Fisheries Management. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. pdf
2. Fisheries history
- Lackey, R. T. 2005. Fisheries: history, science, and management. Pages 121-129 in J. H. Lehr and J. Keeley, editors. Water Encyclopedia: Surface and Agricultural Water. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Publishers, New York. pdf
- Moffitt, C. M., G. Whelan, and R. Jackson. 2010. History of Inland Fisheries Management in North America. Pages 1-41 in W. A. Hubert and M. C. Quist, editors. Inland Fisheries Managment. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD. pdf
- Nielsen, L. A. 1995. The practical uses of fisheries history. Fisheries 20:16-18. pdf
- Nielsen, L. A. 1999. History of Inland Fisheries Management in North America Pages 3-30 in C. C. Kohler and W. A. Hubert, editors. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD. pdf
- Yoshiyama, R. M. 1999. A History of Salmon and People in the Central Valley Region of California. Reviews in Fisheries Science 7:197-239. pdf
- Meengs, C. C., and L. R.T. 2005. Estimating the size of historical Oregon salmon runs. Reviews in Fisheries Science 13:51-66. pdf
- Rahel, F. J. 2016. Changing Philosophies of Fisheries Management as Illustrated by the History of Fishing Regulations in Wyoming. Fisheries 41:38-48. pdf
- Whelan, G. 2004. A historical perspective on the use of propogated fish in fisheries management: Michigan’s 130-year experience. American Fisheries Society Symposium 44:307-315. pdf
3.Fisheries goals and objectives
- Bennett, D. H., E. L. Hampton, and R. T. Lackey. 1978. Current and future fisheries management goals: Implications for future management. Fisheries 3:10-14. pdf
- Barber, W. E., and J. N. Taylor. 1990. The Importance of Goals, Objectives, and Values in the Fisheries Management Process and Organization: A Review. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 10:365-373. pdf
- Pascoe, S., K. Brooks, T. Cannard, C. M. Dichmont, E. Jebreen, J. Schirmer, and L. Triantafillos. 2014. Social objectives of fisheries management: What are managers’ priorities? Ocean and Coastal Management 98:1-10. pdf
4. Other interesting topics
- Knight, W. 1968. Asymptotic Growth: An Example of Nonsense Disguised as Mathematics. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 25:1303-1307. pdf