Post by Brad Richardson.— Disease outbreaks in aquaculture can often ultimately end in mass mortality events. However, few people every really consider the dynamics of what is happening during a disease outbreak. This can things such as the actual transmission of a pathogen from one individual to another, the management...
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Habitat Management in Reservoirs
Part 1 - The Challenge of Mudflats
Post by David Norris.— Reservoirs can offer us unique opportunities for fishing, but they also come with unique challenges to management. One such challenge is the formation of mudflats as reservoirs age. Mudflats are exactly what they sound like, expanses of mud or other fine sediment with little to no...
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Bluff Lake Project, The First Steps
Bathymetric Mapping of Bluff Lake
Post by Victoria Starnes.— Hi, I’m Victoria, the newest graduate student in the Fisheries Management and Aquatic Conservation lab at Mississippi State University. My project will focus on Bluff Lake, a 1,200-acre shallow lake located on the Sam D. Hamilton National Wildlife Refuge. This lake undergoes seasonal drawdowns which help...
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Design and Decisions, Part I
Thinking about the decision to be made **before** the numbers are crunched
Post by Caleb Aldridge.—
Recently I have been curious to know if researchers consider decision analysis when designing experiments. Obviously, not all research is geared towards problem solving or may not have an immediate application; but what about experiments that are and that do?
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New paper out
A seasonal population matrix model of the Caribbean Red-tailed Hawk _Buteo jamaicensis jamaicensis_ in eastern Puerto Rico
Check out our new paper in Ibis by J. Gallardo, F. Vilella, and M.Colvin. PDF
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