The effects of sediment on PIT tag detection-The setup
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Lamprey abstract for Southeastern Fishes Council meeting.
Identifying barriers to the detection of passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags in southern brook lamprey ammocoetes (Ichthyomyzon gagei, Hubbs & Trautman, 1937)
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PIT Tagging Madtoms
Madtom Tagging!
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Bluff Lake Project is going live!
Evaluating the fish assemblage and fishery of Bluff Lake and integrating fishery objectives with Paddlefish and bird management objectives to evaluate water level management decisions
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Fishing forecasts research highlighted in Landmarks Magazine!
Study Finds Holes in Fishing Forecast Methods
Undergraduate research scholar Ashley Shannon’s work was
highlighted in Mississippi State University’s Landmark
magazine. This research lead to several awards for Ashley,
including 3rd place for the best oral presentation at Mississippi
Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting held in
February 2018 in Oxford, MS.
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